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Our Lady of America Solemn Procession & Placement of Her Statue

Feast of The Most Holy Name of Mary, September 12, A.D. 2019

Important Message: Our Lady of America Solemn Procession & Placement of Her Statue:72-Day Rosary Crusade for the U. S. Bishops to do what The Blessed Virgin Mary as “Our Lady of America” has asked concerning the National Shrine Church of The Immaculate Conception.

As “Our Lady of America” the central message of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary relates to an extraordinary gift of the virtue of purity which (like so many other graces obtained in the Catholic Church, such as the Sacraments) depends in this case on a certain physical action by the ordained hierarchy, in this case the Bishops of the United States of America. While the messages of Our Lady of America to Sister Mildred Mary Neuzil, C.Pp.S. (approved by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati since 1962) reveal many beautiful thoughts and truths, the focus of this particular devotion relates directly to the following sentences central among those revelations given to her:

“I am Our Lady of America. I desire that my children honor me, especially by the purity of their lives.”

“Our Lady taught me this little prayer: ‘By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil.’ Our Lady then asked me to draw a picture of her first appearance. She also requested a statue made according to this likeness and placed, after being solemnly carried in procession, in the Shrine of The Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. . She wishes to be honored there in a special way as Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin.”

“Our Lady came to me and admonished me to work on the ‘message’ as soon as possible so that it might be placed in the hands of the Bishops who would be responsible for its fulfillment.”

With these messages in mind, and Her message exhorting families to pray the Rosary with great devotion, we ask that Christian faithful recite The Most Holy Rosary, praying at least five (5) decades for the intention that the Bishops of the United States of America hold the solemn procession and placement of the Our Lady of America statue as She requested nearly 63 years ago.

You may also wish to have Holy Masses said for this intention. For example, such a Mass occurred today in Our Lady of The Most Holy Rosary Church at Indianapolis, Indiana for the intention: "That U.S. Bishops will approve Our Lady of America Procession" (link)

In this extended Novena, we ask that many, many, Catholic faithful undertake a 72-day Rosary Crusade* beginning on the current Feast of the North American Martyrs and ending on the annual Feast of The Most Holy Family (Jesus, Mary & Joseph). Thus, this 72-day Crusade will begin on Saturday, October 19th, 2019 and extend through Sunday, December 29th, 2019.

In addition, if one is not already a member, please consider enrolling in the Confraternity of The Most Holy Rosary which the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) administers pursuant to the decree of His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution, Ubi Primum (link)

The traditional manner of praying the Holy Rosary is described here (link). Of course, if a person is called to do so, please pray all 20 decades of The Rosary each day.

Ideally, we ask you to commit to pray the Rosary daily in adoration before The Most Blessed Sacrament (where possible, time and circumstances taken into account), whether exposed in the monstrance or reserved in the tabernacle, each day beginning on the current Feast of The North American Martyrs, October 19th, 2019, and ending on the Feast of The Most Holy Family, December 29th, 2019.

It is our reasonable hope that, with sufficient prayer by the Christian laity, the Bishops of the U.S.A. will do this solemn act of devotion to Our Lady of America in the National Shrine of The Immaculate Conception at Washington yet this year. The timing of these prayers is also intended to begin after another national 54-day Novena ends and also to cover The Church and the United States of America with ongoing prayer during that period leading up to Halloween when demonic activity is on a great increase.

Immediately after reciting The Most Holy Rosary, please pray the following prayers each day:

  1. The Hail Holy Queen with its Short Concluding Prayer (Rosarium Virginis Mariae, #35);

  2. the Prayer to Saint Michael The Archangel; and,

  3. this additional prayer to Saint Michael The Archangel, concluding with the Our Lady of America aspiration, as follows:

O Most Charitable and Powerful Saint Michael, Who is the Archangel Protector of Holy Mother Church and Prince of Mercy, through the intercession of Saint Joseph, Who is Guardian of The Redeemer, Patron of The Universal Church and Terror of Demons, in glory to The Blood of Jesus, and in veneration of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Who is Queen of the Angels and Our Lady of America, I ask that you appear before Almighty God Who sits on that Throne of Mercy and ask for the faculties and complete power to take how ever many holy angels are necessary (even millions) to all of the United States Catholic Bishops and to communicate to them in The Divine Will of The Trinity by the power of The Holy Spirit of Abba & Jesus extraordinary graces and words of knowledge so as certainly to induce those bishops immediately, inexorably and irrevocably to commit to a day certain and to travel very soon to Washington, D.C., and to take that particular statue of Our Glorious Queen Mother Mary depicted as Our Lady of America and have that solemn procession and placement of that statue of Our Lady of America inside the National Basilica Shrine Church of The Immaculate Conception at the City of Washington. Amen.

"By Thy Holy & Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil!"

One may add other prayers according to their own practice, while avoiding the accretion of too many additional prayers.

*— This 72 days of prayer can be practiced in the nature of the 54-Day Rosary Novena, by adding an additional 18 days to accommodate the Luminous Mysteries (Mysteries of Light). Therefore, those who participate will need to reflect before they start whether to follow the standard format for a daily 5-decade Rosary, alternating the Mysteries according to the day of the week, for example, the Glorious Mysteries on Sunday and Wednesday, or by praying the four sets of mysteries in order over a 4-day rotation (as has been done in a 54-day Novena with a 3-day rotation of the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries).

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